
Yajur Veda Upakarma

BTCCGL Main Hall 1210 Montgomery St, West Lafayette

9:30 am Main Hall Conducted by Suresh Srinivasamurthy Puja Services Upakarma - $21 (All materials provided) Pre-Registration for Puja Services

Shri Satyanarayana Puja

Event Series Shri Satyanarayana Puja
BTCCGL Temple 1210 Montgomery St, West Lafayette

Satyanarayan puja is done in reverence to Lord Satyanarayan - a form of Lord Mahavishnu. In this form, the lord is considered to become the embodiment of truth. The puja is a ritual performed to make sure that abundance, prosperity, general happiness as well as wellbeing prevails in the family.


Event Series Sundarkand
BTCCGL Temple 1210 Montgomery St, West Lafayette

Sundar Kand, the most interesting segment of Epic Ramayan deals with the heroic adventures of Hanuman in Lanka while he went there in search of Sita.

2024 India Food Fest

BTCCGL Main Hall 1210 Montgomery St, West Lafayette

Visit the EVENT WEBSITE for more information


Event Series Sundarkand
BTCCGL Temple 1210 Montgomery St, West Lafayette

Sundar Kand, the most interesting segment of Epic Ramayan deals with the heroic adventures of Hanuman in Lanka while he went there in search of Sita.


Event Series Sundarkand
BTCCGL Temple 1210 Montgomery St, West Lafayette

Sundar Kand, the most interesting segment of Epic Ramayan deals with the heroic adventures of Hanuman in Lanka while he went there in search of Sita.